agnyAdheyaM pAkayaj~nAnagniShTomAdikAn makhAn |
yaH karoti vR^ito yasya sa tasyartvigihochyate || 2\.143||
2.143. He who, being (duly) chosen (for the purpose), performs the Agnyadheya, the Pakayagnas, (and) the(Srauta) sacrifices, such as the Agnishtoma (for another man), is called (his) officiating priest.
Such great mahathmas, who perform all paaka yagnas, and Srauta yagnas, and officiates the yagnas for others is revered as a Ritwik!
Paka yagnas are performed with the fire acquired at the time of marriage. Since this agni does not get separated (unlike Srautagni) it's called Ekagni! ( All Smartha karmas are performed on Ekagni)
Similarly, Paka yagnas are 7 in number - and they are all performed in Ekagni! At the time of marriage, Oupasana & Sthali Pakam are done, and then daily - twice Oupasana, monthly twice Shali Pakam (on Prathamai) are performed.
After performing Paka yagnas, a Sad Gruhastha becomes eligible to get Agni Adhanam from one, who is already performing Agni Hotra!
Only on Srautagni - dif. kinds of ishtis, and several other yagnas are performed!
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